
4th Transnational Project Meeting in Madrid

The 4th Transnational Project Meeting of the project took was held in Malta on Friday 11 of November, at the Valletta Design Cluster a 17th Century building that has been restored. The project partners had the ability to pilot test the final prototype of the VRTEACHER application, discuss the current state of the project, and plan the training activities.

VRTEACHER training activities

The VRTEACHER training activities will take place in all partner countries between December 2022 and February 2023. The structure of the training activities is the following: Introductory online workshop, face to face training groups, and follow up online workshop.


VRTEACHER platform

The VRTEACHER platform is a community developed for teachers, to exchange their views and experiences and also have access to the training material and VR application developed under the project. The consortium invites teachers from partner countries and beyond to register using the website of the project

co-funded by eu
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CUT VMC lab logo
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